Why send your child to Sunny Days?

Choosing when to send your child to nursery is different for every parent. Whatever the reason, whether social or necessity, enrolling them in a nursery is a great option. Nurseries are excellent settings for supporting your child’s learning and development through play.
At Sunny Days, we offer opportunities for your child to encounter new and exciting experiences. We understand it is natural to feel uneasy about leaving your child however, our experienced teams will help you through the process, supporting you and your child at the start of your childcare journey.
Here is some information about the main benefits for your child and you.
Communication and social skills
Your baby is ready to communicate from birth, both at home and in our nurseries, it is vital that we encourage and offer opportunities to support children to: • Listen to others • Understand • Babble, chat, sing, rhyme, and talk • Learning to share & taking turns • Playing together with other children in groups, as well as independently • Learning from their peers, copying and helping each other
Increased Independence and Confidence
Our nurseries offer the support for your young child to develop their independence, explore new things, and learn to form positive relationships with others around them. Our key person system is child focussed, supporting children’s independence, this is based around your child’s natural next steps of development. Being in a positively challenging environment supports children to develop tenacity and determination which helps develop their confidence and learn about their own capabilities. This supports them to build strong foundations for school and life outside the home.
Learning New Skills
Our settings provide a diverse range of activities, resources, and experiences to engage and stimulate your child. This includes sensory activities which are of huge benefit for young explorers. With so many options available, your child can discover and learn new things, develop their own interests, and try things out for themselves. This can be an exciting time for everyone involved!
Your child will learn new skills every day, including academic, social, and emotional skills. For example, they will learn how to use their imagination, flying in the rocket ship built with their friends in the garden, perhaps sing you a new song or how to cut their banana at snack time. These life skills will serve as the building blocks for their future and prepare them for their next stage.
Routines and wellbeing
Sunny Days practitioners will support your child to learn certain tasks at nursery such as, putting on their shoes, washing their hands before lunch and helping to tidy up before home time. These routines give your child a sense of responsibility and can be continued at home. Your child will also be able to participate in daily activities, constantly learning and exploring the outdoor spaces. Engaging in play opportunities will help build their physical stamina and support their large motor skills development, which will be beneficial for their health and wellbeing. Interacting with other children and adults at the nursery can help your child develop immunity to common infections like colds. Spending time outdoors in the fresh air and getting daily exercise is also important for their overall wellbeing and can help keep them understand healthy life choices.
Some benefits for you!
As a parent, looking after our children is the most important and fulfilling part of our lives however, for some it can be, at times, overwhelming. That’s why our nursery is not just beneficial for children, but also for parents. Even just a few hours a week can provide some much-needed “me-time” for parents. Raising a child is a tremendous task, and while they mean everything to you, you need time and space to be yourself. Whether it’s to catch up on chores or spend time with friends, our nursery can give you the opportunity to recharge and be your best self for your child. As one of our parents commented “My daughter is constantly busy and active at nursery, it relieves the pressure on me to constantly come up with educational and fun activities to keep her entertained at home, allowing me to relax and enjoy quality time with her without the added stress.”
So many of these positives are extremely beneficial for both you and your child. If you like if you like what you have read, why not book an appointment and come and meet us. Please get in touch with our Team who will be happy to help and answer any questions you may have.
admin@sunnydays-nursery.co.uk 01249 815307