Early Years providers and reception classes alike must follow a particular path of learning, development, and care for little ones, from birth right through to the age of five. This framework is called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and it’s dedicated to helping children thrive.

The EYFS acts us a handy, informative guide for the staff here at Sunny Days, and it can help you too. It outlines what we can and should do to support children as they develop, encouraging play, creativity, activity, and plenty of curiosity! 

The structure centres on the interactive nature of learning, placing emphasis on each child’s need to explore their surroundings and communicate with others as they grow. 

What do we love the most about the EYFS? Its dedicated celebration of each child’s individuality, efforts, and achievements - this is what shapes little ones into happy, healthy people. It recognises that meaningful learning and development should always take place in safe, stimulating, and multi-sensory environments. 

The Sunny Days ethos is directly influenced by the EYFS: we’re all about instilling a natural love of learning in our children through imaginative, interactive play - indoors and outdoors!

Click here to view the full EYFS framework.

What to expect, when?

If you’d like to find out more about the EYFS, please ask one of the warm, friendly members of our experienced team - they’d be more than happy to help. Alternatively, click here and read ‘What to expect, when?’,  a guide specially written for parents and carers.